MBM Terms of Service


I. Acceptance of Terms

The following Terms of Service agreement details the mission of modernblmag.org (Modern Boylover Magazine (MBM)) and the user agreement for all users of this website. Users are reminded to review this document to be aware of their rights and the general behavior that is expected from all users on this website. By accessing this website you indicate your agreement to the terms stated herein. If you disagree with the content or the terms of this agreement, then do not visit this website. Users that are concerned about the content and legality of this website should read section VI first.

II. Description of Services

Our services are intended to publish media relating to the topic of boylove, or for those that are attracted to minors in general. The intent of this service is to provide an open forum to express a range of experiences and ideas related to those with an attraction to minors. In the consequence of exercise of free speech we realize that some may openly take offense to the contents of this site, and if this content troubles you too greatly we advise you to refrain from visiting. We acknowledge that differences of opinion should and do occur as a natural part of dialogue between communities, thus it is our intent to provide a service that is respectful and cognizant of all views concerning the issue of attraction to minors, especially young males. It is therefore our intention to create a magazine that will encourage dialogue between boylove communities throughout the internet, as well as a forum to encourage dialogue with dissenting opinions that are presented in a respectful manner. It is our hope that by creating an open and active dialogue between all spheres of opinion about boylove that we might come to a better understanding of the individual challenges that all human beings face. This website shall not be used to store or otherwise distribute any material deemed illegal in the nations of Canada and the United States. For further information or questions, please contact: admin@modernblmag.org



III. Justification of Services

As the content of this website may be deemed controversial, we wish to provide proper justification and assurance that this website is indeed legal, and has the right to exist under national and international law. Justifications are as follows:
1. This site has no intent or desire to provide access to any illegal material, nor encourage any illegal behavior. Rather our primary intent is to create support between boylove communities and dialogue between boylovers and non-boylovers alike.
2. We are legally permitted to operate under the following amendments and legal rights (Thanks to ibld.net):
United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19: 'Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.' 
The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union Article 11: 'Freedom of expression and information: Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.' and Article 13: 'Freedom of the arts and sciences: The arts and scientific research shall be free of constraint. Academic freedom shall be respected.' 
United States Constitution: First Amendment: 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.'

IV. Limitations of Service & Prohibited Materials

Our services will not be used to store, distribute, encourage, or provide access to any illegal material, as in accordance with the laws of Canada and the United States. Illegal material shall include any image that is used without the consent of the copyright holder, images or drawings that depict intercourse or a state of obvious arousal, or direct reference to incriminating crimes one has committed or intends to commit. Erotica that is submitted to the magazine may be edited for content. It is not our intent to publish overtly erotic material, however, exceptions and tasteful submissions may be considered. We encourage writers to submit their erotica to online databases that specialize in this genre of publishing.



V. Legal Indemnification

You agree that in using this website that any content published or distributed by it that you will indemnify the creators of modernblmag.org including but not limited to: losses, liabilities, damages, fine, or legal fees that may result in connection with: 
1. Your use of this website in any manner. 
2. Content published in the magazine by a user that has violated your intellectual property rights, or that of a third party. 
3. Copyright holders are reminded that the content published in the magazine still remains the property of the users that submitted it, and that all legal obligations are that of the user that submitted the article. We claim no ownership other than the right to publish the article. 
4. Failure to comply with the Terms of Service as stated in this document.

VI. Public Relations

Because of the nature of this website we acknowledge that there may be questions relating to the operation of this website and its content. We wish to address any public or legal concern directly through e-mail, please contact admin@modernblmag.org. Threatening or verbally abusive e-mails will be ignored. Respectful requests and questions will be answered in the same manner. We will attempt to address all serious interest, and dispel any rumors or concerns you may have.



VII. User Agreement & Rights (For all authors and commentors)

You may not use the services of this website to engage or plan to engage in any illegal activity (See section II). You may not use the services of this website to provide or share illegal material as described in section II. You may not harass, threaten, or use excessively harsh language while using any part of this site. Immediate termination or temporary suspension of your account may result for any actions that are in violation of this agreement. All users of this site have the right to be respected, regardless of their personal beliefs. Common courtesy and decorum is expected among all users. You are not entitled to any warnings for any behavior that is found unacceptable, though we will make our best effort to work with all users to establish a respectful environment where all members can participate. We reserve the right to remove or censor content within reason, and to prevent inflammatory discussions. Comments that include links without any clear reason for the reference to the link will not be allowed, and may result in the removal of the link or deletion of the comment entirely.

a. Ownership of Content

You the user agree that by submitting your article you grant full permission for the use of your article under the pseudonym or heteronym that you specify, and any other identifying information you find important. You grant us full permission to publish your article in a full, abridged, or edited format. If you do not wish your article to be edited for grammar or modified in any manner, then you must specify explicitly in your submission. We reserve the right to refrain from publishing any submission, or to archive the submission to be published at a later date. While the content is submitted through the magazine you are free to publish and distribute your article(s) freely, with regard to the legal consent you give the magazine to publish your content at the time of submission.

b. Removal of Content from the Magazine

Content will only be removed by request if the issue has not yet been published, or if a request is submitted within 3 weeks of publish date. All other content cannot be removed, unless the publishing rights have been voided by a preexisting copyright before the article was published. Please submit DMCA requests/complaints to: DMCA@modernblmag.org

c. Privacy Policy

The content and private information of users will remain private to the best of our abilities. If user information is copied or removed to a remote location or computer, then it will be encrypted to provide for the safety of registered users in the event that the information is stolen or seized. User information and data shall not contain any personally identifying information, unless users wish to list such information publicly. Records of IP addresses and other usage statistics will remain limited and will be regularly purged to protect the privacy of users; however, we strongly recommend the use of a proxy server if you believe your identity and freedom may be at risk for visiting this website.

d. Notices

Notices may be sent to the e-mail provided on this website for any serious matter that must be addressed.

VIII. Modification of this Document

This document may be modified at any time without notice. However, modifications that relate directly to user privacy and submission of content will be publicly announced on the website, at which time any disagreement to the modification of terms may be made and addressed.



IX. Disclaimers

As a user of this website you agree to the following: 
1. You acknowledge that your choice to use this website is at your sole risk, and you will indemnify the owners of this site for all charges as a result of using this site. While this website is legal in most countries throughout the world, you are responsible to your own jurisdiction and you will not hold claim of liability against the authors or owners of this site. 
2. Content published on this website or distributed by it does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the owners of this website, or any affiliated parties. Content shall include any article, comment, or artistic work that is included on this website. 
3. You acknowledge that any content downloaded from this site is done at your sole discretion and risk. We are not responsible for any harm to your computer that may result in viewing or downloading content from this website.


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© Modern Boylover Magazine 2014